Shiva A. Somra

Shiva A. Somra

Shiva A. Somra
Badge #31967, Asian Male
Police Officer at 94th Precinct since January 2023
Service started July 2013, made $121,000 last year, Tax #955521


Gill, Kevin vs P.O.M. Booker, et al.
Case # 19CV00142, U.S. District Court - Eastern District NY, February 4, 2019, ended October 18, 2021
Zero Disposition
Description: On January 21, 2016 Mr. Kevin Gill left his home with a baseball bat, chasing after non-party Myrko Bazlime. When Mr. Gill approached a police car in view, Officer Santiago Booker exited the car, pointed a gun at Mr. Gill, and demanded that Mr. Gill drop the bat. When Mr. Gill dropped the bat Officer Booker shot something at Mr. Gill which blinded him and tackled Mr. Gill, resulting in a concussion. Officer Booker, along with other officers, handcuffed and booked Mr. Gill. At the same time, Sergeant Xiang searched Mr. Gill's house. Mr. Gill was charged, but the charges were dismissed.