Francisco I. Sanchez

Lieutenant at Transportation Bureau Traffic Enforcement District since February 2022
Also served at 52nd Precinct
Service started January 2006, made $188,000 last year, Tax #940939
Hispanic Male

Lawsuit settlements:
$35,000   Capella, Luis vs City of New York, et al., 2020 BCSC BCSC 027675/2020E
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Capella, Luis vs City of New York, et al.
Case # 027675/2020E, Supreme Court - Bronx, July 28, 2020, ended September 11, 2023
$35,000 Settlement
Description: On October 19, 2019, plaintiff was lawfully seated in the rear of a vehicle on I-95, near the Orchard Beach Exit, in the Bronx, when officers asked plaintiff who had been driving the vehicle, and plaintiff pointed to Blanco. Defendant Sanchez asked the tow truck driver if he saw anyone behind the wheel of the vehicle and the tow-truck driver responded, "No." Defendant stated, that since he couldn't "put anyone behind the wheel of the vehicle," he couldn't arrest anyone. Defendant Outlaw asked Blanco who was driving the car. Blanco denied driving the car. Plaintiff was given a breathalyzer test, and based on the results, handcuffed, arrested and charged with DWI. Plaintiff was transported to the 45th precinct wh...