Complaint #9904660, October 1999

Incident: October 15, 1999
Closed: June 27, 2000

Reason for contact: Other
Location: Apartment/house
Outcome: No arrest made or summons issued
Officer: Mcdonald, Robert
Complainant: White Male, 70
Allegation: Abuse of Authority: Threat to Property
CCRB Conclusion: Substantiated (Instructions)
Officer: Mcdonald, Robert
Complainant: White Male, 70
Allegation: Abuse of Authority: Refusal to provide name/shield number
CCRB Conclusion: Unfounded
Officer Complainant Allegation CCRB Conclusion
Mcdonald, Robert White Male, 70 Abuse of Authority: Threat to Property Substantiated (Instructions)
Mcdonald, Robert White Male, 70 Abuse of Authority: Refusal to provide name/shield number Unfounded

Conclusion Meanings:

'Substantiated': The alleged conduct occurred and it violated the rules. The NYPD has discretion over what, if any, discipline is imposed.
'Unfounded': Evidence suggests that the event or alleged conduct did not occur.

Further details on conclusion definitions.