Gregory E. Teti

Gregory E. Teti

Gregory E. Teti
Badge #5224, White Male
Sergeant at 109th Precinct since July 2024
Also served at 104th Precinct
Service started January 2015, made $119,000 last year, Tax #958115


1 Complaint
1 Allegation
0 Substantiated
1 Unsubstantiated

Complaint #201701436, February 2017
Allegation: Force: Physical force
Complainant: White Male, 56
CCRB Conclusion: Unsubstantiated
additional details

Complaint #201701436, February 2017
Allegation Complainant CCRB Conclusion
Force: Physical force White Male, 56 Unsubstantiated
additional details

Conclusion Meanings:

'Unsubstantiated': or 'Unable to Determine' - CCRB has fully investigated but could not affirmatively conclude both that the conduct occurred and that it broke the rules.

Further details on conclusion definitions.