Miguel A. Berroa

Badge #14089, Hispanic Male
Police Officer at Transit Bureau District 11 since February 2017
Service started January 2016, made $141,000 last year, Tax #960245

Discipline Cases:

Case: 2022-27292
Closed: 1/17/2023

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Lawsuit settlements:
$15,000   Baines, Stephon vs City of New York, et al., 2022 BCSC BCSC 807121/2022E
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1 Complaint
1 Allegation
0 Substantiated
1 Complainant Uncooperative

Complaint #201607987, September 2016
Allegation: Abuse of Authority: Stop
Complainant: Hispanic Male, 35
CCRB Conclusion: Complainant Uncooperative
additional details

Complaint #201607987, September 2016
Allegation Complainant CCRB Conclusion
Abuse of Authority: Stop Hispanic Male, 35 Complainant Uncooperative
additional details

Further details on conclusion definitions.


Case: 2022-27292
Closed: 1/17/2023
Case Details:
  1. Failed to notify.
Penalty: B - Command Discipline, vacation days (5 days)
Recommendation: Command Discipline - B


Baines, Stephon vs City of New York, et al.
Case # 807121/2022E, Supreme Court - Bronx, May 19, 2022, ended December 14, 2023
$15,000 Settlement
Description: On December 19, 2021, plaintiff exited the D train in the Bronx and observed an individual surrounded by NYPD officers. Plaintiff began to record the officers, complying with all requests to physically stay clear of the incident. Shortly after, defendant officers began to unlawfully detain, arrest, and search the plaintiff. Excessively tight handcuffs were placed, causing pain and discomfort. Plaintiff was arrested and transported to the 46th precinct without probable cause or legal justification. NYPD officers falsely claimed to the DA that the plaintiff was involved in disorderly conduct. Plaintiff was released with a desk appearance after 8 hours in custody. All charges were dismissed in January 2022.