James W. Lukeson

Badge #3515, White Male, 46
Detective Specialist at 61st Precinct since February 2024
Service started July 2004, made $154,000 last year, Tax #935216

Substantiated Allegations:
Abuse of Authority: Question
Abuse of Authority: Refusal to provide name
Abuse of Authority: Refusal to provide name/shield number
Abuse of Authority: Refusal to provide shield number
Abuse of Authority: Search (of person)
Abuse of Authority: Stop
Discourtesy: Word (2)

Discipline Cases:

Case: 2021-23588
Closed: 7/4/2023
Case: 2022-24901
Closed: 5/9/2022
Case: 2021-24484
Closed: 1/15/2022

View Details

Lawsuit settlements:
$50,000   King, Justin vs City of New York, et al., 2021 EDNY EDNY 20CV06077
$45,000   Lewis, Angeleta, et Al vs City of New York, et al., 2020 EDNY EDNY 20CV05690
$67,500   Laroc, Sharon, et al. vs City of New York, et al., 2020 EDNY EDNY 20CV05227
$25,003   Mcclain, Kamiesha, et al. vs City of New York, et al., 2018 SDNY SDNY 18CV11836
$500   Abraham, Henry vs P.O. Herbert, Hugh, et al., 2016 EDNY EDNY 15CV05208
$560,000   Leroy Davis v. Javier Velez, James Lukeson, and Gary Calhoun, EDNY EDNY 12CV01219
$10,001   Diaz v. Herbert et al, EDNY EDNY 13CV01675
$7,500   Gonzalez et al v. New York Police Dept. et al, EDNY EDNY 09CV00685
View Details


8 Complaints
17 Allegations
8 Substantiated
5 Substantiated (Charges)
3 Substantiated (Command Discipline A)
1 Complainant Uncooperative
1 Exonerated
2 Unfounded
5 Unsubstantiated

Complaint #202302176, March 2023
Allegation: Force: Physical force
Complainant: Black Male, 35-39
CCRB Conclusion: Complainant Uncooperative
additional details

Complaint #202001196, February 2020
Allegation: Abuse of Authority: Refusal to provide name
Complainant: Black Male, 25-29
CCRB Conclusion: Substantiated (Command Discipline A)
Allegation: Abuse of Authority: Refusal to provide shield number
Complainant: Black Male, 25-29
CCRB Conclusion: Substantiated (Command Discipline A)
NYPD Conclusion: No Disciplinary Action-DUP
Penalty: No penalty
additional details

Complaint #201910390, November 2019
Allegation: Discourtesy: Word
Complainant: Black Male, 30-34
CCRB Conclusion: Substantiated (Command Discipline A)
Allegation: Abuse of Authority: Refusal to provide name
Complainant: Black Male, 30-34
CCRB Conclusion: Unsubstantiated
Allegation: Abuse of Authority: Refusal to provide shield number
Complainant: Black Male, 30-34
CCRB Conclusion: Unsubstantiated
NYPD Conclusion: No Disciplinary Action-DUP
Penalty: No penalty
Documents: Complaint Closing Report
additional details

Complaint #201703280, April 2017
Allegation: Abuse of Authority: Vehicle stop
Complainant: White Male, 33
CCRB Conclusion: Unsubstantiated
Allegation: Abuse of Authority: Stop
Complainant: White Male, 33
CCRB Conclusion: Unsubstantiated
additional details

Complaint #200901903, February 2009
Allegation: Discourtesy: Word
Complainant: Black Male, 23
CCRB Conclusion: Substantiated (Charges)
Allegation: Abuse of Authority: Refusal to provide name/shield number
Complainant: Black Male, 23
CCRB Conclusion: Substantiated (Charges)
Penalty: Command Discipline - B
additional details

Complaint #200817541, November 2008
Allegation: Discourtesy: Word
Complainant: Black Female, 32
CCRB Conclusion: Unfounded
Allegation: Abuse of Authority: Refusal to provide name/shield number
Complainant: Black Female, 32
CCRB Conclusion: Exonerated
additional details

Complaint #200716565, November 2007
Allegation: Abuse of Authority: Search (of person)
Complainant: Black Male, 19
CCRB Conclusion: Substantiated (Charges)
NYPD Conclusion: No Disciplinary Action-DUP
Allegation: Abuse of Authority: Stop
Complainant: Black Male, 19
CCRB Conclusion: Substantiated (Charges)
NYPD Conclusion: Command Discipline - B
Allegation: Abuse of Authority: Refusal to provide name/shield number
Complainant: Black Male, 19
CCRB Conclusion: Unsubstantiated
Allegation: Abuse of Authority: Question
Complainant: Black Male, 19
CCRB Conclusion: Substantiated (Charges)
NYPD Conclusion: Command Discipline - B
Penalty: Command Discipline - B
additional details

Complaint #200706091, April 2007
Allegation: Force: Physical force
Complainant: Hispanic Male, 28
CCRB Conclusion: Unfounded
additional details

Complaint #202302176, March 2023
Allegation Complainant CCRB Conclusion
Force: Physical force Black Male, 35-39 Complainant Uncooperative
additional details
Complaint #202001196, February 2020
Allegation Complainant CCRB Conclusion
Abuse of Authority: Refusal to provide name Black Male, 25-29 Substantiated (Command Discipline A)
Abuse of Authority: Refusal to provide shield number Black Male, 25-29 Substantiated (Command Discipline A)
NYPD Conclusion: No Disciplinary Action-DUP
Penalty: No penalty
additional details
Complaint #201910390, November 2019
Allegation Complainant CCRB Conclusion
Discourtesy: Word Black Male, 30-34 Substantiated (Command Discipline A)
Abuse of Authority: Refusal to provide name Black Male, 30-34 Unsubstantiated
Abuse of Authority: Refusal to provide shield number Black Male, 30-34 Unsubstantiated
NYPD Conclusion: No Disciplinary Action-DUP
Penalty: No penalty
Documents: Complaint Closing Report
additional details
Complaint #201703280, April 2017
Allegation Complainant CCRB Conclusion
Abuse of Authority: Vehicle stop White Male, 33 Unsubstantiated
Abuse of Authority: Stop White Male, 33 Unsubstantiated
additional details
Complaint #200901903, February 2009
Allegation Complainant CCRB Conclusion
Discourtesy: Word Black Male, 23 Substantiated (Charges)
Abuse of Authority: Refusal to provide name/shield number Black Male, 23 Substantiated (Charges)
Penalty: Command Discipline - B
additional details
Complaint #200817541, November 2008
Allegation Complainant CCRB Conclusion
Discourtesy: Word Black Female, 32 Unfounded
Abuse of Authority: Refusal to provide name/shield number Black Female, 32 Exonerated
additional details
Complaint #200716565, November 2007
Allegation Complainant CCRB Conclusion
Abuse of Authority: Search (of person) Black Male, 19 Substantiated (Charges)
NYPD Conclusion: No Disciplinary Action-DUP
Abuse of Authority: Stop Black Male, 19 Substantiated (Charges)
NYPD Conclusion: Command Discipline - B
Abuse of Authority: Refusal to provide name/shield number Black Male, 19 Unsubstantiated
Abuse of Authority: Question Black Male, 19 Substantiated (Charges)
NYPD Conclusion: Command Discipline - B
Penalty: Command Discipline - B
additional details
Complaint #200706091, April 2007
Allegation Complainant CCRB Conclusion
Force: Physical force Hispanic Male, 28 Unfounded
additional details

Conclusion Meanings:

'Exonerated': or 'Within NYPD Guidelines' - the alleged conduct occurred but did not violate the NYPD's own rules, which often give officers significant discretion.
'Substantiated': The alleged conduct occurred and it violated the rules. The NYPD has discretion over what, if any, discipline is imposed.
'Unfounded': Evidence suggests that the event or alleged conduct did not occur.
'Unsubstantiated': or 'Unable to Determine' - CCRB has fully investigated but could not affirmatively conclude both that the conduct occurred and that it broke the rules.

Further details on conclusion definitions.


Case: 2021-23588
Closed: 7/4/2023
Case Details:
  1. Improper use of his body worn camera
Penalty: Training
Recommendation: Training

Case: 2022-24901
Closed: 5/9/2022
Case Details:
  1. Violated patrol rules.
Recommendation: Command Discipline - B

Case: 2021-24484
Closed: 1/15/2022
Case Details:
  1. Wrongfully discourteous to an individual known to the Department.
Recommendation: Command Discipline - A


Named in 9 known lawsuits, $765,504 total settlements.

Faneus, Kevin vs Det. Chowski, Adam Gierla, et al.
Case # 503468/2022, Supreme Court - Kings, March 1, 2022
Description: On July 7, 2020, Kevin Faneus (Plaintiff) was lawfully outside the building at 2069 Nostrand Avenue, County of Kings, State of New York, when he was approached by defendant and was grabbed to the ground. Plaintiff did not resist arrest or otherwise obstruct officers in the course of their attempts to arrest him. Plaintiff was then handcuffed, searched, and transported to the 67th Police Precinct where he was placed in a holding cell. Defendants ordered Plaintiff into the holding cell bathroom and made him remove his clothing, and upon questioning these orders, defendants slammed Plaintiff’s head into the wall and dragged him into the holding cell bathroom. Defendants then falsely informed the prosecutors and fa...

King, Justin vs City of New York, et al.
Case # 20CV06077, U.S. District Court - Eastern District NY, April 8, 2021, ended July 12, 2022
$50,000 Settlement
Description: On May 25, 2019, Plaintiff was driving an electric scooter when a black Impala vehicle suddenly drove up alongside him and dangerously cut him off for no apparent purpose. Plaintiff evaded the vehicle and drove off. A person jumped out of the vehicle threatening to shoot him. Realizing the people in the vehicle could be plainclothes police officers, Plaintiff then stopped his scooter and lied down on the pavement in front of a busy restaurant, and put his body in a “star” position to show he was not a threat. The plainclothes police officers ran up to him and one purposefully and with great force came down onto the side of Plaintiff’s face with his knee, fracturing his nose. The same officer then pointed his gu...

Lewis, Angeleta, et Al vs City of New York, et al.
Case # 20CV05690, U.S. District Court - Eastern District NY, December 15, 2020, ended October 11, 2021
$45,000 Settlement
Description: On March 26, 2019, the three plaintiffs were inside plaintiff Angeleta Lewis’ home when several NYPD officers, including Defendants Police Officer Fabian Modesto, James Lukeson and Sgt. David Grieco, knocked down the front door of the apartment and stormed in with their guns drawn. They yelled at everyone to get down on the ground and guarded the plaintiffs while they searched the apartment. The officers inquired about the location of Junior, another family member who did not live in the apartment, and the Plaintiffs explained that they did not know of his whereabouts. Despite having no arrest warrant, finding no contraband and having no reasonable suspicion that a crime had been committed, Defendants handcuffe...

Laroc, Sharon, et al. vs City of New York, et al.
Case # 20CV05227, U.S. District Court - Eastern District NY, November 2, 2020, ended November 10, 2021
$67,500 Settlement
Description: Early June 13, 2019 Sgt. David Grieco and Officer James Lukeson and other officers entered Plaintiffs Laroc and Jamieson's apartments without consent and both were arrested. An officer kicked Mr. Jamieson (who is a paraplegic) in the legs. One officer pointed a gun at Ms. Laroc's head. At the precinct Ms. Laroc was allowed to receive necessary medication but not allowed to take it. In the evening she was transported to the hospital for symptoms caused by failure to take her medication. Mr. Jamieson was treated for back and side pain. Officers Lukeson prepared an arrest report claiming they were gang members in possession of drugs and a gun, but both were released without charges. The DA concluded there was in...

Mcclain, Kamiesha, et al. vs City of New York, et al.
Case # 18CV11836, U.S. District Court - Southern District NY, December 19, 2018, ended February 25, 2020
$25,003 Settlement
Description: On January 12, 2016 at approximately 6am, Ms. McClain was getting ready for work in her apartment when as many as twenty NYPD Officer John Does* (all male) broke down her door and raided her apartment. They had a warrant based on a tip from a confidential informant that crack cocaine had been sold by Ms. McClain's brother in the apartment. Ms. McClain's brother did not live in the apartment, nor did he ever live there or have keys, and only visited every few weeks. Ms. McClain, wearing only undergarments at the time, was pushed into a chair and handcuffed with excessive tightness. Her mother and six-year-old son were in another part of the apartment, told to "get the fuck down on the floor" at gunpoint, and Ms....

Abraham, Henry vs P.O. Herbert, Hugh, et al.
Case # 15CV05208, U.S. District Court - Eastern District NY, June 8, 2016, ended November 9, 2016
$500 Settlement
Complaint, Complaint and Settlement
Description: On June 6, 2012, plaintiff was arrested and subsequently incarcerated for a crime. Officers threatened to kill him and violated his civil rights. Note: complaint is handwritten and difficult to read.

Leroy Davis v. Javier Velez, James Lukeson, and Gary Calhoun
Case # 12CV01219, U.S. District Court - Eastern District NY
$560,000 Order/Judgment (Verdict)
Complaint, Judgment

Diaz v. Herbert et al
Case # 13CV01675, U.S. District Court - Eastern District NY
$10,001 Order/Judgment (Verdict)
Complaint, Judgment

Gonzalez et al v. New York Police Dept. et al
Case # 09CV00685, U.S. District Court - Eastern District NY
$7,500 Settlement
Amended Complaint

Other Documents

Brooklyn DA Disclosure Letter references additional lawsuits 11CV6053, 09CV506