Albert Girimonte

Albert Girimonte

Albert Girimonte
Former Assistant Chief at Patrol Borough Staten Island
Also served at Strategic & Tactical Command Brooklyn North
Service started October 1973, ended June 2008, Tax #868107
White Male

Substantiated Allegations:
Abuse of Authority: Premises entered and/or searched
Abuse of Authority: Property damaged


1 Complaint
2 Allegations
2 Substantiated
2 Substantiated (Charges)

Complaint #200304014, April 2003
Allegation: Abuse of Authority: Premises entered and/or searched
CCRB Conclusion: Substantiated (Charges)
Allegation: Abuse of Authority: Property damaged
Complainant: Black Female
CCRB Conclusion: Substantiated (Charges)
NYPD Conclusion: No Disciplinary Action-DUP
Penalty: No penalty
additional details

Complaint #200304014, April 2003
Allegation Complainant CCRB Conclusion
Abuse of Authority: Premises entered and/or searched Substantiated (Charges)
Abuse of Authority: Property damaged Black Female Substantiated (Charges)
NYPD Conclusion: No Disciplinary Action-DUP
Penalty: No penalty
additional details

Conclusion Meanings:

'Substantiated': The alleged conduct occurred and it violated the rules. The NYPD has discretion over what, if any, discipline is imposed.

Further details on conclusion definitions.