Marvin C. Mccrea

Marvin C. Mccrea

Marvin C. Mccrea
Badge #12655, Black Male
Police Officer at 43rd Precinct since July 2024
Service started January 2013, made $112,000 last year, Tax #954117


2 Complaints
10 Allegations
0 Substantiated
3 Complainant Uncooperative
7 Unsubstantiated

Complaint #201809655, November 2018
Allegation: Abuse of Authority: Refusal to provide name
Complainant: Male, 30
CCRB Conclusion: Complainant Uncooperative
Allegation: Abuse of Authority: Refusal to provide shield number
Complainant: Male, 30
CCRB Conclusion: Complainant Uncooperative
Allegation: Discourtesy: Action
Complainant: Male, 30
CCRB Conclusion: Complainant Uncooperative
additional details

Complaint #201805771, July 2018
Allegation: Abuse of Authority: Entry of Premises
CCRB Conclusion: Unsubstantiated
Allegation: Abuse of Authority: Threat of arrest
Complainant: Black Female, 46
CCRB Conclusion: Unsubstantiated
Allegation: Abuse of Authority: Threat to notify ACS
CCRB Conclusion: Unsubstantiated
Allegation: Abuse of Authority: Refusal to provide name/shield number
Complainant: Black Female, 46
CCRB Conclusion: Unsubstantiated
Allegation: Discourtesy: Word
Complainant: Black Female, 46
CCRB Conclusion: Unsubstantiated
Allegation: Abuse of Authority: Search of Premises
CCRB Conclusion: Unsubstantiated
Allegation: Abuse of Authority: Property damaged
Complainant: Black Female, 46
CCRB Conclusion: Unsubstantiated
Documents: Complaint Closing Report
additional details

Complaint #201809655, November 2018
Allegation Complainant CCRB Conclusion
Abuse of Authority: Refusal to provide name Male, 30 Complainant Uncooperative
Abuse of Authority: Refusal to provide shield number Male, 30 Complainant Uncooperative
Discourtesy: Action Male, 30 Complainant Uncooperative
additional details
Complaint #201805771, July 2018
Allegation Complainant CCRB Conclusion
Abuse of Authority: Entry of Premises Unsubstantiated
Abuse of Authority: Threat of arrest Black Female, 46 Unsubstantiated
Abuse of Authority: Threat to notify ACS Unsubstantiated
Abuse of Authority: Refusal to provide name/shield number Black Female, 46 Unsubstantiated
Discourtesy: Word Black Female, 46 Unsubstantiated
Abuse of Authority: Search of Premises Unsubstantiated
Abuse of Authority: Property damaged Black Female, 46 Unsubstantiated
Documents: Complaint Closing Report
additional details

Conclusion Meanings:

'Unsubstantiated': or 'Unable to Determine' - CCRB has fully investigated but could not affirmatively conclude both that the conduct occurred and that it broke the rules.

Further details on conclusion definitions.