Jose A. Holguin

Badge #5495, Hispanic Male
Sergeant at 60th Precinct since September 2015
Service started July 2004, made $153,000 last year, Tax #935027

Substantiated Allegations:
Abuse of Authority: Threat re: removal to hospital
Offensive Language: Other

Discipline Cases:

Case: 2022-26601
Closed: 8/22/2022

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Lawsuit settlements:
$55,000   Tess, Clint vs City of New York, et al., 2018 EDNY EDNY 18CV06542
$12,500   Ewald, Edward vs The City of New York, et al., 2006 QCSC QCSC 012338/2006
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1 Complaint
2 Allegations
2 Substantiated
1 Substantiated (Charges)
1 Substantiated (Command Discipline B)

Complaint #202300597, December 2022
Allegation: Abuse of Authority: Threat re: removal to hospital
Complainant: Black Female, 35-39
CCRB Conclusion: Substantiated (Command Discipline B)
Allegation: Offensive Language: Other
Complainant: Black Female, 35-39
CCRB Conclusion: Substantiated (Charges)
APU Case Status: Pending
Penalty: APU - Decision Pending
additional details

Complaint #202300597, December 2022
Allegation Complainant CCRB Conclusion
Abuse of Authority: Threat re: removal to hospital Black Female, 35-39 Substantiated (Command Discipline B)
Offensive Language: Other Black Female, 35-39 Substantiated (Charges)
APU Case Status: Pending
Penalty: APU - Decision Pending
additional details

Conclusion Meanings:

'Substantiated': The alleged conduct occurred and it violated the rules. The NYPD has discretion over what, if any, discipline is imposed.

Further details on conclusion definitions.


Case: 2022-26601
Closed: 8/22/2022
Case Details:
  1. Pleaded Guilty: Failed to make proper notifications (Patrol Supervisor, IAB, Desk Sergeant, sick desk Supervisor, ACS, Commanding Officer if PPO, operations unit, CCRB, etc.). failed to conduct an investigation.
  2. Pleaded Guilty: Made or caused to be made false or inaccurate entries in Department records.
Penalty: Vacation days (35 days)


Named in 3 known lawsuits, $67,500 total settlements.

Tess, Clint vs City of New York, et al.
Case # 18CV06542, U.S. District Court - Eastern District NY, December 19, 2018, ended May 3, 2021
$55,000 Settlement
Description: On or about June 16, 2016, in the vicinity of Surf Avenue and West 5th Street in Brooklyn, NY, plaintiff was driving with two friends. Plaintiff was pulled over by Police Officer Francis Jackson and L.t. Kautter. These officers falsely told plaintiff that he had two suspended licenses and two warrants. Plaintiff was taken behind the police car and handcuffed. Police Officer Eltabib and Police Officer John Sanchez arrived on the scene. Eltabib, without cause, shoved plaintiff, causing him to fall backwards. The other officers failed to intervene. Plaintiff, who has sickle cell anemia, was in severe pain and breathing heavily after the hit and asked to be taken to the hospital 15-20 times but was denied. Plaintif...

Thompson, Derek vs P.O. Mccarron, Jason, et al.
Case # 704159/2014, Supreme Court - Queens, July 9, 2014, ended March 12, 2018
Administrative Closing

Ewald, Edward vs The City of New York, et al.
Case # 012338/2006, Supreme Court - Queens, June 9, 2006, ended April 9, 2018
$12,500 Settlement

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