Luis M. Franco

Badge #19370, Hispanic Male
Police Officer at Transit Bureau District 20 since June 2019
Service started January 2018, made $91,000 last year, Tax #965109


1 Complaint
1 Allegation
0 Substantiated
1 Within NYPD Guidelines

Complaint #202206671, October 2022
Allegation: Force: Physical force
Complainant: Black Male, 40-44
CCRB Conclusion: Within NYPD Guidelines
additional details

Complaint #202206671, October 2022
Allegation Complainant CCRB Conclusion
Force: Physical force Black Male, 40-44 Within NYPD Guidelines
additional details

Conclusion Meanings:

'Within NYPD Guidelines': The alleged conduct occurred but did not violate the NYPD's own rules, which often give officers significant discretion.

Further details on conclusion definitions.


Named in 2 known lawsuits.

Barnes, George vs City of New York, et al.
Case # 721274/2021, Supreme Court - Queens, September 28, 2021
Description: On November 4, 2018, without legal justification, the plaintiff was stopped and forcibly grabbed and slammed by NYPD officers, including Luis Franco and James Farley . The officers slammed the plaintiff to the ground, punching and kicking him. Other NYPD officers did not take any action to stop the illegal actions. After the plaintiff was arrested, he was maliciously prosecuted.

Barnes, George vs City of New York, et al.
Case # 701045/2020, Supreme Court - Queens, January 24, 2020, ended August 23, 2023
Zero Disposition