Christian K. Cayenne

Badge #3412, Black Male, 32
Sergeant at 44th Precinct since June 2022
Service started July 2013, made $144,000 last year, Tax #954620

Substantiated Allegations:
Abuse of Authority: Failure to provide RTKA card
Abuse of Authority: Search (of person)
Abuse of Authority: Stop

Discipline Cases:

Case: 2022-25614
Closed: 11/21/2022

View Details

Lawsuit settlements:
$12,500   Francis-Steele, Tyree vs City of New York, et al., 2015 EDNY EDNY 15CV05650
View Details


10 Complaints
32 Allegations
3 Substantiated
2 Substantiated (Command Discipline B)
1 Substantiated (Command Discipline A)
1 Closed - Pending Litigation
4 Exonerated
3 Unfounded
21 Unsubstantiated

Complaint #202006201, August 2020
Allegation: Abuse of Authority: Vehicle search
Complainant: Black Male, 30-34
CCRB Conclusion: Unsubstantiated
Allegation: Abuse of Authority: Failure to provide RTKA card
Complainant: Black Male, 30-34
CCRB Conclusion: Substantiated (Command Discipline A)
NYPD Conclusion: No Disciplinary Action-DUP
Penalty: No penalty
additional details

Complaint #201908247, July 2019
Allegation: Force: Physical force
Complainant: Hispanic Male, 26
CCRB Conclusion: Closed - Pending Litigation
additional details

Complaint #201904298, May 2019
Allegation: Abuse of Authority: Question
Complainant: Black Male, 20
CCRB Conclusion: Unsubstantiated
Allegation: Abuse of Authority: Stop
Complainant: Black Male, 20
CCRB Conclusion: Unsubstantiated
Allegation: Abuse of Authority: Question
Complainant: Black Male, 20
CCRB Conclusion: Unsubstantiated
Allegation: Abuse of Authority: Frisk
Complainant: Black Male, 20
CCRB Conclusion: Unsubstantiated
Allegation: Abuse of Authority: Search (of person)
Complainant: Black Male, 20
CCRB Conclusion: Unsubstantiated
Allegation: Offensive Language: Race
Complainant: Black Male, 20
CCRB Conclusion: Unsubstantiated
Allegation: Discourtesy: Word
Complainant: Black Male, 20
CCRB Conclusion: Unsubstantiated
Documents: Complaint Closing Report
additional details

Complaint #201810413, December 2018
Allegation: Abuse of Authority: Failure to provide RTKA card
Complainant: Black Male, 60
CCRB Conclusion: Unsubstantiated
Allegation: Abuse of Authority: Vehicle stop
Complainant: Black Male, 60
CCRB Conclusion: Exonerated
Documents: Complaint Closing Report
additional details

Complaint #201810378, October 2018
Allegation: Abuse of Authority: Vehicle stop
Complainant: Black Male, 29
CCRB Conclusion: Unsubstantiated
Documents: Complaint Closing Report
additional details

Complaint #201808784, October 2018
Allegation: Abuse of Authority: Stop
Complainant: Black Male, 22
CCRB Conclusion: Substantiated (Command Discipline B)
Penalty: Formalized Training
Documents: Complaint Closing Report
NYPD Departure Letter
additional details

Complaint #201810201, August 2018
Allegation: Abuse of Authority: Vehicle stop
Complainant: Black Male, 28
CCRB Conclusion: Unsubstantiated
Allegation: Abuse of Authority: Search (of person)
Complainant: Black Female, 33
CCRB Conclusion: Substantiated (Command Discipline B)
Penalty: Command Discipline - A
Documents: Complaint Closing Report
NYPD Departure Letter
additional details

Complaint #201705838, May 2017
Allegation: Offensive Language: Gender
Complainant: Black Male, 23
CCRB Conclusion: Unsubstantiated
Allegation: Offensive Language: Race
Complainant: Black Male, 23
CCRB Conclusion: Unsubstantiated
Allegation: Discourtesy: Word
Complainant: Black Male, 23
CCRB Conclusion: Unsubstantiated
Allegation: Offensive Language: Sexual orientation
Complainant: Black Male, 23
CCRB Conclusion: Unsubstantiated
Allegation: Abuse of Authority: Threat of force (verbal or physical)
Complainant: Black Male, 23
CCRB Conclusion: Unsubstantiated
Allegation: Discourtesy: Word
Complainant: Black Male, 23
CCRB Conclusion: Unsubstantiated
Allegation: Offensive Language: Race
Complainant: Black Male, 23
CCRB Conclusion: Unsubstantiated
Allegation: Offensive Language: Gender
Complainant: Black Male, 23
CCRB Conclusion: Unsubstantiated
Allegation: Abuse of Authority: Threat of force (verbal or physical)
Complainant: Black Male, 23
CCRB Conclusion: Unsubstantiated
Allegation: Abuse of Authority: Threat of force (verbal or physical)
Complainant: Black Male, 23
CCRB Conclusion: Unsubstantiated
Documents: Complaint Closing Report
additional details

Complaint #201705828, April 2017
Allegation: Abuse of Authority: Premises entered and/or searched
CCRB Conclusion: Exonerated
Allegation: Abuse of Authority: Threat of force (verbal or physical)
Complainant: Black Male, 23
CCRB Conclusion: Unfounded
Allegation: Offensive Language: Gender
Complainant: Black Male, 23
CCRB Conclusion: Unfounded
Allegation: Discourtesy: Word
Complainant: Black Male, 23
CCRB Conclusion: Unfounded
Allegation: Force: Physical force
Complainant: Black Male, 23
CCRB Conclusion: Exonerated
Documents: Complaint Closing Report
additional details

Complaint #201602747, February 2016
Allegation: Abuse of Authority: Threat of arrest
Complainant: Black Female, 53
CCRB Conclusion: Exonerated
additional details

Complaint #202006201, August 2020
Allegation Complainant CCRB Conclusion
Abuse of Authority: Vehicle search Black Male, 30-34 Unsubstantiated
Abuse of Authority: Failure to provide RTKA card Black Male, 30-34 Substantiated (Command Discipline A)
NYPD Conclusion: No Disciplinary Action-DUP
Penalty: No penalty
additional details
Complaint #201908247, July 2019
Allegation Complainant CCRB Conclusion
Force: Physical force Hispanic Male, 26 Closed - Pending Litigation
additional details
Complaint #201904298, May 2019
Allegation Complainant CCRB Conclusion
Abuse of Authority: Question Black Male, 20 Unsubstantiated
Abuse of Authority: Stop Black Male, 20 Unsubstantiated
Abuse of Authority: Question Black Male, 20 Unsubstantiated
Abuse of Authority: Frisk Black Male, 20 Unsubstantiated
Abuse of Authority: Search (of person) Black Male, 20 Unsubstantiated
Offensive Language: Race Black Male, 20 Unsubstantiated
Discourtesy: Word Black Male, 20 Unsubstantiated
Documents: Complaint Closing Report
additional details
Complaint #201810413, December 2018
Allegation Complainant CCRB Conclusion
Abuse of Authority: Failure to provide RTKA card Black Male, 60 Unsubstantiated
Abuse of Authority: Vehicle stop Black Male, 60 Exonerated
Documents: Complaint Closing Report
additional details
Complaint #201810378, October 2018
Allegation Complainant CCRB Conclusion
Abuse of Authority: Vehicle stop Black Male, 29 Unsubstantiated
Documents: Complaint Closing Report
additional details
Complaint #201808784, October 2018
Allegation Complainant CCRB Conclusion
Abuse of Authority: Stop Black Male, 22 Substantiated (Command Discipline B)
Penalty: Formalized Training
Documents: Complaint Closing Report
NYPD Departure Letter
additional details
Complaint #201810201, August 2018
Allegation Complainant CCRB Conclusion
Abuse of Authority: Vehicle stop Black Male, 28 Unsubstantiated
Abuse of Authority: Search (of person) Black Female, 33 Substantiated (Command Discipline B)
Penalty: Command Discipline - A
Documents: Complaint Closing Report
NYPD Departure Letter
additional details
Complaint #201705838, May 2017
Allegation Complainant CCRB Conclusion
Offensive Language: Gender Black Male, 23 Unsubstantiated
Offensive Language: Race Black Male, 23 Unsubstantiated
Discourtesy: Word Black Male, 23 Unsubstantiated
Offensive Language: Sexual orientation Black Male, 23 Unsubstantiated
Abuse of Authority: Threat of force (verbal or physical) Black Male, 23 Unsubstantiated
Discourtesy: Word Black Male, 23 Unsubstantiated
Offensive Language: Race Black Male, 23 Unsubstantiated
Offensive Language: Gender Black Male, 23 Unsubstantiated
Abuse of Authority: Threat of force (verbal or physical) Black Male, 23 Unsubstantiated
Abuse of Authority: Threat of force (verbal or physical) Black Male, 23 Unsubstantiated
Documents: Complaint Closing Report
additional details
Complaint #201705828, April 2017
Allegation Complainant CCRB Conclusion
Abuse of Authority: Premises entered and/or searched Exonerated
Abuse of Authority: Threat of force (verbal or physical) Black Male, 23 Unfounded
Offensive Language: Gender Black Male, 23 Unfounded
Discourtesy: Word Black Male, 23 Unfounded
Force: Physical force Black Male, 23 Exonerated
Documents: Complaint Closing Report
additional details
Complaint #201602747, February 2016
Allegation Complainant CCRB Conclusion
Abuse of Authority: Threat of arrest Black Female, 53 Exonerated
additional details

Conclusion Meanings:

'Exonerated': or 'Within NYPD Guidelines' - the alleged conduct occurred but did not violate the NYPD's own rules, which often give officers significant discretion.
'Substantiated': The alleged conduct occurred and it violated the rules. The NYPD has discretion over what, if any, discipline is imposed.
'Unfounded': Evidence suggests that the event or alleged conduct did not occur.
'Unsubstantiated': or 'Unable to Determine' - CCRB has fully investigated but could not affirmatively conclude both that the conduct occurred and that it broke the rules.

Further details on conclusion definitions.


Case: 2022-25614
Closed: 11/21/2022
Case Details:
  1. Violated patrol rules.
Recommendation: Command Discipline - A


Named in 4 known lawsuits, $12,500 total settlements.

Delarosa, Angel et Al vs City of New York, et Al .
Case # 817138/2023E, Supreme Court - Bronx, October 30, 2023

Sanders, James E. vs City of New York, et al.
Case # 509072/2020, Supreme Court - Kings, June 4, 2020
Description: On September 26, 2018, plaintiff was lawfully in the vicinity of Church Avenue and Brooklyn Avenue in Brooklyn, New York, when several defendant NYPD officers stopped plaintiff while he was legally operating a vehicle. With no probable cause or otherwise lawful suspicion the officers ordered the plaintiff to step out of the vehicle. The plaintiff complied and he was searched, including his vehicle. He was then transferred to the precinct. Two months later all charges were dismissed.

Malusson, Tyrel vs City of New York, et al.
Case # 516379/2019, Supreme Court - Kings, August 15, 2019

Francis-Steele, Tyree vs City of New York, et al.
Case # 15CV05650, U.S. District Court - Eastern District NY, October 26, 2015, ended November 29, 2016
$12,500 Settlement
Amended Complaint, Complaint
Description: Plaintiff went to the 71st Precinct to pick up his friend's belongings when the officer at the desk became upset that other friends were being too loud. Plaintiff was then placed in handcuffs, taken into custody, and charged with Dis Con and Trespass, which were dismissed.

Other Documents